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Viewing JPIP Imagery

To view JPEG 2000 images in JPIP-enabled applications, use the following URL:


NOTE: You cannot connect to JPIP streams using localhost. Enter the full name of the server.

Viewing JPIP Imagery in GeoViewer

GeoViewer is LizardTech's free image viewing application. To download GeoViewer, visit the following URL:

  1. Run GeoViewer by clicking the desktop icon or by clicking the Start menu and clicking Programs > LizardTech > LizardTech GeoViewer.
  2. Click File > Add layer > JPIP layer.

    The Add JPIP Layer dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the following URL into the server URL field:


  4. Enter the name of the catalog that contains the image that you want to view and the name of the image.

    For example, you might enter the following:
