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The SpatialIndex Element

The SpatialIndex element indicates that all images in the catalog are georeferenced, and should be indexed. This element is required for any catalogs that are to be published as WMS layers.

The SpatialIndex element contains the following editable attributes:


This is the class ID of the spatial index implementation. Express Server comes with a spatial index implementation with a class ID of {D090DD8B-3D12-4631-9787-0DC2CACDC3EA}. Unless you have installed a custom spatial index implementation, you should not change this.

The default value is {D090DD8B-3D12-4631-9787-0DC2CACDC3EA}.


May be true or false. The default value is true.

Example: The SpatialIndexElement

The following specifies that the catalog "Tijuana" contains georeferenced images, should be indexed, and made available as a WMS layer.

<Catalog name="Tijuana">            
<SpatialIndex classID="{D090DD8B-3D12-4631-9787-0DC2CACDC3EA}" enabled="true">