You are here: Reference > Hand-Editing Configuration Files > Configuring Catalogs Using XML Files > The SizeConstraint Element

The SizeConstraint Element

The SizeConstraint element places a limit on the size of an image requested from Express Server. This is useful to control server load and limit access to high-quality image data.

The SizeConstraint element contains the following editable attributes:


The maximum height allowed.


The maximum width allowed.

If the SizeConstraint element is missing from your catalogs.xml file, there is no constraint on the image size.

In the catalogs.xml file that comes installed with Express Server, the SizeConstraint element is present and has values of 2500 for both height and width.

Example: The SizeConstraintElement

The following would reject all requests for images larger than 2000x3000 pixels from the catalog "foo".

<Catalog name="foo">
<SizeConstraint width="2000" height="3000" />