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The Property Element

The Property element defines a property of a catalog. Each catalog may have 0 or more properties, each defined by a single Property element. If this element occurs within a Catalog element, then it defines a property of that catalog only. If it occurs within the Globals element, then the property exists for all catalogs.

Properties recognized by Express Server are listed in Special Catalog Properties.

The Property element has the following editable attributes:


This is the name of the property.


This is the property value. It may contain plain text or a complete XML fragment. Alternatively, the value may be specified as text within the <Property> element itself.


This is an optional two letter code which identifies the language that the property is expressed in.

Examples: The Property Element

Simple Catalog Properties

The following defines a property for the catalog "foo."

<Catalog name="foo"> 
 <Property name="Description" value="A sample catalog"/> 
The following is equivalent to the previous example.
<Catalog name="foo">
<Property name="Description">A sample catalog</Property>

A Simple Global Property

The following defines a property for all catalogs.

<Property name="Maintainer">Joe Smythe</Property>

An XML Property

The following defines a property whose value is an XML fragment.

<Catalog name="foo">

<Property name="wms-toplayer-Title">
