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Setting JPIP Network Performance Properties

You can congifure the following JPIP network performance properties: 

To set JPIP network performance properties, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Express Server Manager (see Accessing the Express Server Manager).
  2. Click Settings on the top navigation bar.
  3. Select JPIP on the left-hand navigation panel, then click Edit at the bottom of your screen.
  4. Enter or edit values for Maximum Transmission Rate, Maximum Target Round Trip Time, Minimum Target Round Trip Time, Maximum Chunk Size and Maximum Samples Per Request, then click Save.
  5. If you have no further settings to edit, click Publish.

Remember that clicking Save in the workspace only temporarily saves your changes until you click Publish or Discard. Clicking Publish sends all edits on all the configuration pages to the live Express Server. Clicking Discard overwrites all pages of the workspace with the current live configuration.

Maximum Transmission Rate

The Maximum Transmission Rate property specifies the rate in kilobytes per second at which JPEG 2000 packets are transmitted to the client. Data is transmitted at the maximum rate until certain queuing constraints are encountered, if any. By default Maximum Transmission Rate is 999999.0 kBytes/second.

Maximum Target Round Trip Time

The Maximum Target Round Trip Time (RTT) property defines a desired upper limit for a request's round trip time in seconds. The actual instantaneous RTT may be somewhat larger than this, depending upon network conditions. By default Maximum Target Round Trip Time is 2 seconds.

Minimum Target Round Trip Time

The Minimum Target Round Trip Time property defines a desired lower limit for a request's round trip time in seconds. The actual instantaneous RTT may be smaller than this value, but Express Server endeavors to queue sufficient messages onto the network so as to realize at least this RTT. By default Minimum Target Round Trip Time is 0.5 seconds. Whenever the minimum target RTT is lower than the maximum target RTT, Express Server attempts to hunt for the smallest target RTT that is consistent with these bounds and also maximizes network utilization.

Maximum Chunk Size

The Maximum Chunk Size property defines the maximum size in bytes of the image data chunks shipped by Express Server. Flow control at the server or client is generally performed on chunk boundaries, so smaller chunks may give you finer granularity for estimating network conditions, at the expense of higher computational overhead, and some loss of transport efficiency.You may not specify chunk sizes smaller than 128 bytes here. Values smaller than about 32 bytes could cause some fundamental assumptions in the kdu_serve object to fail.

By default Maximum Chunk Size is 8192 bytes.

Maximum Samples Per Request

The Maximum Samples Per Request property defines the transmission limit of JPEG 2000 packet data (the viewport size limit) expressed as a number of samples. The formula used to determine this value is "requestWidth x requestHeight x numBands rounded to the next power of 2". The number expresses the maximum number of component samples that the client can ask for in one request. Setting this value lower may be desirable to prevent very large requests from overloading network bandwidth. Setting this value higher may be desirable to allow single large high-resolution requests.

By default, transmission of JPEG 2000 packet data to the client is limited to 16,777,216 samples, allowing viewports larger than most monitor sizes.