You are here: JPIP > Setting General JPIP Properties

Setting General JPIP Properties

You can set the following general properties:

To set general JPIP properties:

  1. Open the Express Server Manager (see Accessing the Express Server Manager).
  2. Click Settings on the top navigation bar.
  3. Select JPIP on the left-hand navigation panel, then click Edit at the bottom of your screen.
  4. Enter or edit values for JPIP Root and other general properties, then click Save.
  5. If you have no further settings to edit, click Publish.

Remember that clicking Save in the workspace only temporarily saves your changes until you click Publish or Discard. Clicking Publish sends all edits on all the configuration pages to the live Express Server. Clicking Discard overwrites all pages of the workspace with the current live configuration.


The JPIP Root property alerts the Express Server to the presence of a JPIP server. If present, this property identifies the location of the JPIP server, making catalogued JPIP (streaming JPEG 2000) imagery visible to the browse command. Unless you choose not to install the JPIP server, this element is set by default upon installation.

Ignore Precinct Relevance

The Ignore Relevence option, if enabled, forces Express Server to ignore the degree to which a precinct overlaps with the spatial window requested by the client, serving up compressed data from all precincts that have any relevance at all, layer by layer, with the lowest frequency subbands appearing first within each layer.

By contrast, the default behavior is to schedule precinct data in such a way that more information is provided for those precincts which have a larger overlap with the window of interest. If the source code-stream contains a COM marker segment which identifies the distortion-length slope thresholds which were originally used to form the quality layers, and thus packets, this information is used to schedule precinct data in a manner which is approximately optimal in the same rate-distortion sense as that used to form the original code-stream layers, taking into account the degree to which each precinct is actually relevant to the window of interest.

JP2 Box Partitioning Threshold

The JP2 Box Partitioning Threshold property represents the maximum size for any JPEG 2000 box before that box is replaced by a placeholder in its containing data-bin, where the placeholder identifies a separate data-bin that holds the box's contents. Selecting a large value for the threshold allows all metadata to appear in metadata data-bin 0, with placeholders used only for the contiguous codestream boxes. Selecting a small value tends to distribute the metadata over numerous data-bins, each of which is delivered to the client only if its contents are deemed relevant to the client request.

By default the JP2 Box Partitioning Threshold is 32 bytes.

NOTE: This property has no affect on the partitioning of metadata into data-bins for target files whose representation has already been cached in a file having the suffix, ".cache". This is done whenever a target file is first opened by an instance of Express Server so as to ensure the delivery of a consistent image every time the client requests it. If you delete the cache file, Express Server generates a new target ID that prevents the client from reusing any information it recovered during previous browsing sessions.