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The VoidFillWindow Element

For a pixel in an image that has no data, VoidFillWindow defines an area surrounding the "void" pixel whose values are averaged and applied to the undefined pixel.

A value of 0 means to leave void pixels untouched. A value greater than 0 defines the size of the area whose pixels will be averaged to fill a void pixel. This value is not the number of pixels that will be sampled.

Larger values result in larger search areas, which will fill larger voids.

Void filling uses inverse distance weighting: pixels farther from the void pixel have lesser impact on the fill value than pixels adjacent to the void pixel.

Examples: The VoidFillWindow Element

The following results in void pixels being left unfilled.

   <Catalog enabled="true" name="NullAndVoid">

The following results in void pixels being filled by sampling relatively nearby neighbors.

   <Catalog enabled="true" name="CloseKnit">

This example samples pixels from a up to a relatively large distance from the void pixel.

   <Catalog enabled="true" name="FarAndAway">